There are lots of ways to find helpful info about what’s happening with Samohi Choir students throughout the year. We encourage you to take advantage of them all! 

Students will receive class information and assignments via Google Classroom, and Mr. Huls will send weekly summaries to those parents that opt in to receive info about class work. While the Google updates are a great way to get a sense of the work being given to students, there is more information shared outside of class to help parents/guardians support their students outside of the classroom. 

  • Every choir family should fill out the Family Information Form online (coming soon for '23-'24!)

  • Once we  receive your contact information, you’ll soon begin receiving important informational emails from Samohi Choir. These emails will typically come once a month, or as needed to alert our families when concert tickets become available. Please be sure to add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your address book to ensure delivery to your email inbox. 

  • Join our privateFacebook Group:
    This is an interactive way for families to find quick answers about time-sensitive info, including call times, event announcements, rehearsal details, audition reminders, and more, plus we encourage sharing of choir photos and good news about things happening in the lives of our choir students!

  • Our website: is a helpful source of information about Samohi Choir. Our home page typically has the latest information about events for students and our community. Various forms can be found under the Program Info tab.

  • Be sure to check our online calendar often on our website. The online calendar will be updated throughout the year, and you can click here to see what a typical calendar school year might look like for our ensembles.

  • The Remind app is used occasionally to send out time-sensitive, quick reminders via text message (the app is not required to use the service). Primarily for use by students, parents may also wish to subscribe to these text notifications. Families will receive sign up info soon after school begins.

  • Our public Instagram account @samohichoir
    Follow us for concert announcements, reminders for students, and fun content about our choir program, its students and staff. 

  • Our public Facebook Page:
    "Like" us and share with your friends!

  • Our YouTube channel

Contact the steering committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Mr. Huls This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.