SAMPLE Samohi Choir Calendar


Below, please find an example of a typical calendar year for Samohi Choir.


Please check the Online Calendar on our website OFTEN at for the current year dates & updates


August / Sept   

SCVA Application open and close dates 
SMMUSD Convocation / Chamber performance

Madrigal Ensemble Retreat, Camp Whittle

Chamber Singers Retreat, Camp Whittle

 September   Back to School packets due back

Back-to-School Night / Madrigal & Chamber performance

SCVA Honor Choir Auditions (various locations/cities)

Tuxedo / Dress fittings / distribution

 October   Choir Fundraiser  - Online Auction

Sweet Serenade Concert & Dinner, Centennial Quad, Samohi

 November   Spring Musical Auditions

SCVA Weekend (rehearsals, performance) - University of Redlands

Nov / Dec   Holiday Caroling, Madrigals & Chamber  

Winter Concert Rehearsal, Barnum Hall, 3:30 - 7:30pm

Winter Concert, Barnum Hall, 7:00pm


Class Yearbook Photos


Café Samo, Humanities Center (3-4 shows over two days)

California All-State Honor Choir Weekend (typically out of town)


Spring Musical Performances

Kiwanis Solo Competition preliminary rounds, during school hours 

Stairway of the Stars, Choir - Rehearsal and Concert

Samohi Open House / Madrigal & Chamber performance 


Spring Break, NO SCHOOL 

Every other year advanced ensemble concert tour

Choir competition, domestic trip, intermediate or advanced ensembles

Cathedral Classics Concert (adv. tour year) or Masterworks Concert (no tour)

Choir auditions for next school year 


Kiwanis Vocal Solo Competition Finals

Spring Concert Rehearsal, Barnum Hall, 3:30 - 7:30pm

Junior / Senior Dinner, 4:00 - 6:30pm

Spring Concert, Barnum Hall, 7:00pm


Senior Recital

Samohi Graduation, 4:45-5:45pm

Last Day of School



Every concert is typically preceded by a mandatory concert rehearsal the afternoon/evening before


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