Keep our fundraiser in mind 

The choir auction committee begins its work now in order to support our Fall Pop Concert Fundraiser and ensure the online auction's success when it goes live in September. In order for this fundraiser to be successful in supporting our students, we need (and count on!) help from every choir family!

Every item listed in our online auction is generously donated by a business, and those donations are solicited by choir families like you. If you have a personal relationship with a local business owner or have been successful in soliciting an auction item from a donor in the past, please keep our forms handy and start asking for donations now. 

The most sought-after auction items in the past have included:

Hotel stays... tickets to concerts, sporting events and musical theatre gift electronics & technology items...unique experiences and classes...

There are two ways businesses may wish to support the choir program this fall:
CLICK HERE for the auction item donation form
CLICK HERE for the sponsorship and ads form

Your effort, and all auction item ideas, are welcome and appreciated!

Want to join our auction team or have any questions about auction items? Please contact our auction chair, Courtney Spikes, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text her at 310-422-7457.